Une histoire de passions

Le site internet lesmeilleurespizzasdumondesontbelges.be est la seule plateforme dédiée au monde de la Pizza et de la cuisine italienne en Belgique. Elle est née au fil de rencontres, de formations et de partenariats, avec les encouragements du Maître instructeur Jean-Jacques Despaux et de Julien Panet (France PIzza). Lesmeilleurespizzasdumondesontbelges est l'émanation de leur enthousiasme partagé, de leur savoir-faire et de leurs connaissances du marché de la pizza, de la pasta et de la restauration italienne. Julien Panet édite le magazine France Pizza, organise le salon PARIZZA en partenariat étroit avec l'APF, Association des Pizzérias Françaises, dont Jean-Jacques Despaux est l'une des chevilles ouvrières et le grand artisan de l'organisation du championnat de France de la Pizza.

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And I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. Now there is only one important color... Green I even had the pink polo I thought I was Kanye I promise I will never let the people down. I want a better life for all!

Green I even had the pink polo I thought I was Kanye I promise I will never let the people down. I want a better life for all! And I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. Now there is only one important color...

I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. The team did a great work while we were collaborating. They provided a vision that was in deep connection with our needs and helped us achieve our goals.

The team did a great work while we were collaborating. They provided a vision that was in deep connection with our needs and helped us achieve our goals. We couldn't thank the team enough for their excellent service. We had an wonderful time developing the plans for our new office building and we can tell you that our employees felt at home since the first day they moved here.

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We promise you a new look and more importantly, a new attitude. We build that by getting to know you, your needs and creating the best looking clothes.


CEO / Co-Founder

I miss the old Kanye I gotta say at that time I’d like to meet Kanye And I promise the power is in the people and I will use the power given by the people to bring everything I have back to the people.



Product Designer

I miss the old Kanye I gotta say at that time I’d like to meet Kanye And I promise the power is in the people and I will use the power given by the people to bring everything I have back to the people.



Marketing Hacker

I miss the old Kanye I gotta say at that time I’d like to meet Kanye And I promise the power is in the people and I will use the power given by the people to bring everything I have back to the people.

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And I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. Now there is only one important color... Green I even had the pink polo I thought I was Kanye I promise I will never let the people down. I want a better life for all!

Green I even had the pink polo I thought I was Kanye I promise I will never let the people down. I want a better life for all! And I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. Now there is only one important color...

I used a period because contrary to popular belief I strongly dislike exclamation points! We no longer have to be scared of the truth feels good to be home In Roman times the artist would contemplate proportions and colors. The team did a great work while we were collaborating. They provided a vision that was in deep connection with our needs and helped us achieve our goals.

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